Feature // Windsor, 2000-2010

It’s a sad week at the ranch as we lost one of our favorite barn managers, Windsor.Our human barn manager, Karen, and Windsor were companions for over 10 years and he faithfully came to work with her at Puppy Manners everyday she worked. Anyone who met Windsor immediately commented on his unique look and his sweet disposition.

Windsor didn’t win the lottery when it came to health. He was born without teeth, which no one can explain, but this never inhibited his ability to eat. In his last years of life, Windsor also lost his sight. Eventually, he could barely see at all but he totally tried to fake like he could, which he quickly failed when he’d walk into a wall or the car door. But even though he couldn’t see, Windsor had a vast understanding of what was going on around him. From time to time, I would watch Windsor while he explored in one of our fields. Every now and then, I would see him stop and pause to sniff the air, but it was more than just a sniff. He would inhale the air around him, like he was appreciating it. And even though he lost his sight and had no teeth, Windsor only got better, even the way he “looked” at you. As if he could see into you, he knew you and could read the energy you brought into the room.

Like a marriage, we take our dogs into our lives for better or for worse and for sickness and in health. And thank goodness for Karen as I’m not sure Windsor would have had a great life or even a life at all. Ten years is never long enough, but we love our dogs and we know when they want to go, it’s not up to us.

We will miss you sweet doggie and we promise that we will take great care of Karen and your little sister “Hope”.

Until we all meet again, just take in the sweet scent of Heaven in those glorious fields.

We miss you.
